Not all accounts allow you to send funds by check from your account. If you do not see the “Send Check” option on your account, you do not have the option to send money by check yourself. This is typically because the sponsor providing you with the card does not allow for money to be sent in this way.
If your account does allow you to send money by check, follow the steps below.
- Log into your account here.
- Choose the "Send Check" option.
- Complete all required fields on the "Send Check" page.
- Select "Next" to confirm the check details and submit the request.
- Read the information provided on the "Add Bank" page before selecting "Get Started".
Important Note: If you are requesting to close your account and would like the remaining balance issued to you by check, please contact us by phone at the toll-free number printed on the back of your card and choose the option to speak with a representative. We will determine if a check can be issued for the remaining balance on your account.